How To Reduce Back Pain After C-Section: Causes & Treatment

As a new mom recovering from a c-section, you have enough to worry about without adding back pain to the mix! However, it’s very common to experience back pain after C-section.

Between the effects of surgery, caring for a newborn, breastfeeding demands, and just plain exhaustion, it’s no wonder over half of the c-section moms deal with backaches or soreness during recovery. 

I want you to know that you don’t have to just grit your teeth and power through it—there are solutions! In this article, I’ll share insider tips on what causes after c-section back pain, and I will tell if your symptoms are normal or not.

Most importantly, easy yet super effective ways to help you find relief faster. Things will likely improve in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, you deserve to make yourself as comfortable as possible so you can rest and enjoy this precious early bonding time with your little one!

How To Reduce Back Pain After C-Section
How To Reduce Back Pain After C-Section: Causes & Treatment

Is It Normal to Have Back Pain After a C-Section?

It’s completely normal to have back pain following a C-section. This major abdominal surgery involves cutting through muscles and tissues in the abdomen and uterus, which can lead to inflammation and discomfort during the healing process.

Additionally, a C-section requires anesthesia such as an epidural or spinal block which may trigger ongoing muscle spasms after birth. The combination of surgical trauma, loosening pregnancy ligaments, weakened core muscles, and caring for a newborn puts strain on the back and makes post-C-section back pain very common.

Causes of Back Pain After C-Section

C-section delivery recovery is no joke! There are numerous changes and healing processes that occur behind the scenes after this major surgery. From the physical impact of the incisions and anesthesia to the task of carrying around an adorable yet slightly heavy newborn all day, to the peculiar contortions required for breastfeeding – it’s no wonder you might experience back pain after a C-section delivery. There are several reasons for back pain following a pregnancy C-section, which we’ll explain here:

  1. Surgical incision – Cutting through abdominal muscles and uterus during surgery causes inflammation and strain as tissues heal
  2. Pregnancy hormones – Relaxin and other hormones loosen joints/ligaments that remain present postpartum, allowing easier overstretching
  3. Lifting and carrying baby – Frequently leaning/bending to pick up and hold infant strains muscles if poor posture/mechanics are used
  4. Breastfeeding positions – Slouching shoulders and neck strain while nursing creates tension in the upper back and shoulders
  5. Effects of anesthesia – The site where epidural/spinal block is injected remains sensitive as numbing wears off, sometimes causing lingering muscle spasms
  6. Weak core muscles – With pregnancy and surgery recovery, abdominal weakness fails to stabilize the spine, placing more demand on the back properly
  7. Stress and exhaustion – The physical/emotional work of caring for a newborn while healing contributes greatly to muscular tightness and spasms
  8. Improper movement – Sudden/jagged motions before the core has reconnected well or resuming activity too quickly frequently aggravates back discomfort

I hope breaking down the range of factors causing post-cesarean back trouble provides some “aha” moments! Knowing what you’re up against is half the battle. Now let’s talk about their types.

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Types of Back Pain After C-Section

The location of back pain can help identify contributing factors and guide appropriate treatment approaches. Common types of back pain after a C-section include lower back pain, upper back pain, and general back pain.

Lower Back Pain  

This one’s pretty much a given after having your belly sliced open! Low back soreness is super common because of all the action happening in your core and abdomen as you heal. Things like inflammation around your incision site, muscle spasms, trying to wrangle baby, and weak tummy muscles can pull and stress tissues that radiate into achy hips and heavy legs too. No fun!

Upper Back Pain

It might surprise you, but stiffness creeping up your shoulders and neck area is also pretty standard. Most of the time issues start brewing thanks to how we contort to try and get baby comfortably latched for nourishing feedings. The repetitive strain plus having anesthesia effects wearing off can leave muscles angry from the bra lineup!

General Back Pain  

For some mamas, rather than a specific spot, just an overall backache and general heaviness take over instead. This tends to happen when the whole trunk has been overworked between recovery demands placed on your movement patterns and core strength. It leaves things feeling inflamed, exhausted, and supremely grumpy!

The good news is that armed with insight into why your back is feeling beat up, we can get you started on targeted solutions for relief fast. Let’s talk about that…

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How To Get Rid Of Back Pain After C-Section?

There are many effective remedies, lifestyle adjustments, self-care tips, and professional treatment options to help accelerate back pain relief after C-Section delivery, Here l have suggested many such options for your C-Section delivery back pain.

At-Home Pain Relief Strategies for Back Pain

  1. Heat/Cold Therapy – Use a heating pad, warm compress, or ice packs intermittently to reduce muscle tension, spasms, and inflammation. Always buffer skin contact.
  2.  Keep a stash of over-the-counter meds on hand – cleared by your doctor of course! Whether Tylenol, Motrin, or something stronger, have a game plan for pain days. Don’t wait til you’re miserable.
  3. Gentle Stretching and Walking – Light yoga poses, pelvic tilts, knee raises, and short, paced walks stimulate blood flow to aid natural healing. (Get clearance first from doc!)
  4. Supportive Devices – Encourage good posture and provide extra abdominal comfort with belts, wraps, or binders approved for postpartum recovery use.
  5. Massage – Therapeutic massage loosens muscles, boosts circulation, and accelerates recovery. Focus on shoulders, mid, and lower back.
  6.  Ask for help carrying a baby – Don’t be shy to hand off your little bundle when picking them up hurts. Protect your healing muscles mama and get yourself relief.
  7. Validate Emotions – Acknowledge feelings of frustration, anxiety, or sadness that often accompany ongoing back discomfort. Address contributing stress and worries through self-care.

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Professional treatment options for back pain after a C-section 

  1. Physical Therapy – Postpartum physical therapists assess movement patterns and prescribe personalized strengthening and stretching regimens to rebalance core and release tension.
  2. Chiropractic Care – Gentle spinal adjustments and manipulations alleviate joint restriction and realign posture.
  3. Acupuncture – Insertion of superfine needles into specific body points blocks pain signals, reduces inflammation, and spurs natural healing.
  4. Massage Therapy- Targeted manual therapy by a trained therapist uses techniques to improve soft tissue and muscle wellness.
  5. See Your OB or Doctor- If you’re still really struggling after 6 weeks, let your OB know at follow-ups. Unresolved pain may need some tests to investigate further. Don’t downplay what you’re feeling – speak up! 

When To Consult Doctor For Back Pain After A C-Section?

When To Consult Doctor For Back Pain After A C-Section In most cases, post-C-section back pain improves significantly within 6 weeks as incisions heal, hormones regulate, core strength returns, and less strain is placed on muscles from lifting the baby.

it’s normal for your back to feel kind of crummy and irritated for weeks after having a cesarean. But there are a couple of red flag symptoms I want you to pay attention to — no need to panic mama, just stay alert!

First, if you notice pain that gets severely worse very quickly rather than slowly improving over several weeks, have it checked out to rule out complications like infection. 

Also let your doctor know if you have any numbness, tingling, or strange sensations shooting down your legs. That indicates possible nerve involvement they’ll want to investigate.

I’d also advise chatting with your OB if you suddenly experience changes in bladder/bowel habits (like loss of control) which could signify an issue around the spine.

Oh, and no powering through an unrelenting backache in silence either! Constant severe pain limiting movement or making it hard to care for the baby needs medical attention. Don’t dismiss it as just part of recovery.

Most C-section back pain does gradually resolve…but your comfort and health matter! Stay in touch with professionals so they can help determine if your symptoms are within the “normal” range or need extra care. No need to tough it out alone — you’ve got this mama!

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Final Word

As we’ve covered, back pain after c-section is frustratingly common but there are absolute solutions to help soothe those angry muscles faster.

While only you know your limits best, remember not to hesitate to ask your inner circle for practical help or to watch the baby while you deliberately rest your body. And don’t self-sacrifice to play the hero bouncing back overnight either mama. Create a margin for extra gentleness right now, whatever that may require.

Lean on any combination of at-home reliefs plus bodyworkers like physical therapists or chiros to address the roots causing pain, rather than only masking discomfort. This dual-pronged approach is your ticket to lasting relief!

You’re writing an incredible story — soon this chapter where your body felt pushed to the limits will close. But what lasts forever is your gorgeous new baby who will have been so worth every ache along the journey!

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