10 Best Natural Teething Remedies For Your Baby That Work Perfectly

Seeing your precious little one in distress from teething pain just breaks your heart, doesn’t it mama? As those adorable new pearly whites push through swollen gums, many babies experience oodles of discomfort.

My poor Ava would cry and fuss for hours, chewing on everything in sight trying to find relief. I felt so helpless! I wanted to ease her pain but was wary of medications and numbing gels. Thankfully, there are many natural teething remedies you can try first to soothe your cranky, teething baby.

In this post, I’ll share 10 of the best natural teething remedies for infants that do work wonders, at least they did for us! From chilled teas and toys to beads and massages, you’ll have plenty of safe, effective ways to try to calm your baby’s irritation and inflamed gums. 

Before trying medicinal gels and tablets, consider these 10 best natural teething remedies for babies that provide your teething baby relief without medicine.

10 Best Natural Teething Remedies
10 Best Natural Teething Remedies For Babies

What are some signs my baby is teething?

Oh mama, how can you tell for sure if all that fussing, drooling, and poor sleeping means new teeth are on the way? Teething symptoms can start weeks or even months before you spot any pearly whites poking through tender gums.

Here are some classic signs my little Ava displayed that teeth were brewing:

  1. – Extra drooly and damp clothing from copious spit-up  
  2. – Gnawing on toys, fingers, or anything in reach
  3. – Refusing food or having trouble eating  
  4. – Tugging ears and rubbing cheeks   
  5. – Cranky fussiness and crying more than usual
  6. – Swollen, sensitive gums that may be red or bluish  
  7. – Dropping daytime naps or waking more at night
  8. – Low-grade fever under 100 degrees

Every babe handles teething discomfort differently. While Ava was super fussy for days on end, my friend’s son barely made a peep and continued sleeping soundly.

If you notice multiple symptoms lasting more than a day or two, teeth may indeed be on the way soon! Check gums for white spots where new teeth are sprouting underneath.

Late Teething sign of intelligence

What Are Natural Remedies for Teething?

When those sharp new teeth start pushing through tender gums, it causes inflammation, pain, and a whole lot of frustration for our sweet babes. As much as we wish we could take away their discomfort, the next best thing is trying natural remedies before turning to medications. There are many gentle, safe ways you can try to ease your baby’s teething irritation right at home.

Here are 10 of my favorite natural remedies for teething that worked wonderfully for us:

  • Chilled Teething Toys
  • Cold Metal Spoon
  • Frozen Fruit or Washcloth
  • Massage Inflamed Gums
  • Hyland’s Teething Tablets
  • Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces
  • Chamomile Tea Bag
  • Nursing
  • Cool Bath 
  • Natural Numbing Gels

Baby’s Teeth Coming In Late Causes, Benefits, Treatment, Home Remedies

10 Best Natural Teething Remedies For Infants That Work

Teething can try any parent’s patience. With these 10 best natural teething remedies, you can give your baby effective relief safely and gently.

  1. Chilled Teething Toys: Pop rubber or silicone teething toys in the fridge to soothe aching gums as baby chews and gnaws. The light chill offers relief without being too hard on sensitive areas.
  2. Cold Metal Spoon: Simply run a metal spoon under cold water and put in the fridge for a bit. The chilled metal feels great on irritated gum spots and is easy for babies to grip and chew.
  3. Frozen Fruit or Washcloth: Slightly frozen bananas, berries, and apples taste sweet while numbing gums. You can also freeze a wet washcloth for a softer chew option. Always monitor carefully.
  4. Massage Inflamed Gums: Gently rub sore areas with light pressure using a clean finger or soft silicone massager. Eases pain and inflammation.
  5. Hyland’s Teething Tablets: These quick-dissolving homeopathic tablets contain natural pain relievers like chamomilla. Give relief without dyes or parabens.
  6. Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces: Said to provide natural anti-inflammatory relief as body heat warms amber against skin. But authorities caution they pose safety risks for babies who may choke on beads. Use with extreme care and supervision only.
  7. Chamomile Tea Bag: Steep a caffeine-free chamomile tea bag, let cool, and give a baby to chew for its soothing properties against inflamed gums.
  8. Nursing: Breastfeeding provides comfort for some babies working through teething pain. But wee teeth can startle you with a bite too!
  9. Cool Bath: A nice lukewarm bath with bath toys redirects teething frustrations splendidly. Ensure safe water temperatures for bath time teething relief.
  10. Natural Numbing Gels: Some natural drugstore gels without benzocaine ingredients may temporarily numb very sore areas under medical guidance. Use minimally.

    Check out the More 7 Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies

Related FAQs of natural teething remedy infants

What age do babies start teething?

Most babies begin teething between 4 and 7 months old. However, some start as early as 3 months, while others may not experience symptoms until 12-14 months. Teething ages vary widely.

How can I safely numb my teething baby?

The safest ways to naturally numb their gums are giving them chilled rubber teething toys, cold metal spoons, or chilled wet washcloths to chew on. Never leave babies unattended with potential choking hazards.

Do babies cry hysterically when teething?

While fussiness and crying are common during teething, extended intense, inconsolable crying may indicate other issues like illness or infection. Contact your pediatrician if crying seems extreme.

Is it ok to give my baby Tylenol for teething every night?

It’s best not to give medication too frequently. Try natural remedies first, using OTC meds only occasionally for very difficult nights when needed for relief. If you need it often, contact your doctor to address the underlying cause.

How can I safely numb my baby’s gums during teething?

The safest ways are using chilled rubber teething toys or wet washcloths from the fridge for them to chew on. The slight coolness numbs their gums safely without being frozen. Never leave babies alone while chewing on these.

Are amber teething necklaces safe?

Most medical groups do not recommend them since they pose choking risks for babies. If you decide to try one anyway, never leave your baby unattended, and remove it immediately at the first sign of any trouble. However, they are generally considered too risky for most pediatricians.


Watching your precious little bundle of joy suffer through teething discomfort can feel so disheartening. I remember many tearful days and nights trying desperately to ease my sweet daughter’s pain as those first tiny teeth emerged. While nothing takes teething misery away fully, I hope these 10 best natural teething remedies provide your baby some relief too.

From chilled rubber teething toys and cold metal spoons to frozen fruit and tender gum massages, you now have plenty of gentle, effective ways to help calm your cranky teething tot. Just remember remedies affect each baby differently. Pay attention to what seems to work best for your little one.

Don’t hesitate to ask your pediatrician for guidance if symptoms seem severe or persist longer than a week.

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