7 Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies

As a mom, I know how distressing it can be to watch your sweet little bundle of joy suddenly turn into a sad, frustrated mess. I remember many sleepless nights pacing the floors with my crying, teething baby. While modern medicine does provide some relief.

I always try Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies or Natural Home Remedies first to safely soothe my babies’ irritable gums. These gentle cures have been passed down for generations and use common ingredients you likely have in your kitchen.

In this post, I’ll share the 7 best old home remedies that have been comforting teething infants for ages. From chilled spoons to frozen fruit, these simple teething solutions can ease pain and swelling so both baby and mom can get some rest.

Teething is hard, but with a few natural teething remedies, we can get through this together. Now let’s dive into my tried-and-true old teething home remedies that have been soothing teething babies for generations!

Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies
7 Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies

How To Relieve Teething Pain For Baby?

I know how hard it is to see your little one in discomfort when new teeth push through. As those tiny chompers cut through the gums, they put pressure on the sensitive nerve endings which causes pain, swelling, and irritation. My poor babies would wail for hours, rubbing their ears and cheeks while refusing to eat or sleep. 

First, take a deep breath. This is a normal part of development that will pass. Understand what’s causing the pain so you can choose the best relief strategy. If a baby has a high fever, diarrhea, or can’t be consoled, call the pediatrician to rule out other issues. Otherwise, there are many gentle, natural ways we mamas have used for generations to ease teething misery.

The key is reducing inflammation and soothing the irritated gum tissue. Cold temperatures help numb the pain receptors in the gums, so icy foods or chilled spoons are my go-to. Gentle gum massage boosts healing blood flow while calming nerves. And ingredients like vanilla, cloves, or chamomile have natural pain-reducing compounds.

I mix and match these homemade remedies – what works one day may not the next! Patience and snuggles get us through the rough days. This too shall pass!

What Is A Good Teething Home Remedies for Infants?

I feel you. When those little teeth start poking through, our sweet babies turn into tiny monsters, teething home remedies for infants to the rescue! Teething cures invented by generations of clever mothers utilize common household ingredients to alleviate emerging teeth’ swelling, pain, and general misery. These solutions are affordable, easy to whip up with things in your kitchen, and made from natural components that safely and gently soothe irritable gums.

The coldness of chilled spoons or fruit helps numb sore spots. A gentle tummy massage with coconut oil reduces inflammation. Substances like vanilla, cloves, or chamomile contain compounds that relax nerves and discomfort. Some remedies aim to distract the baby from the pain with nibbles or new textures to chew. Others reduce direct sources of irritation in the mouth.

Best of all – we avoid unneeded medication and side effects! I say stick with what mothers have known for centuries when it comes to soothing miserable teething babes. These time-tested traditions get us through the fussy days!

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What Are The Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Baby And Toddlers?

Whether you have a cranky baby or a grumpy toddler working on those second teeth, these natural remedies use common ingredients to bring relief safely and gently. I’ll share my 7 Best Old Home Remedies For Teethinggo-to solutions, but feel free to get creative with what works best for your little one. Mix and match for what suits your toddler or baby best! Stick with pure, natural ingredients and supervise closely for reactions.

  1. Cold Spoon or Washcloth
  2. Frozen Fruit or Veggies
  3. Massage Gums with a Finger or Teething Toy
  4. Chamomile Tea
  5. Vanilla Extract
  6. Cloves
  7. Coconut Oil


7 Best Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies

when it comes to soothing irritated gums, we have lots of tried and true traditional remedies to choose from! Teething is rough but these gentle fixes help reduce swelling and discomfort so we can all get a little rest..

Here are my favorite 7 Old Home Remedies For Teething Babies that worked Perfectly for my baby:

  1. Cold Spoon or Washcloth

One of the simplest teething remedies is to chill a metal spoon or clean washcloth in the refrigerator for an hour. The cold temperature helps numb sore gums. Make sure to supervise your baby while they gnaw and chew for relief. For variety, soak the washcloth in chamomile tea then chill. The anti-inflammatory properties add extra soothing power.

  1. Frozen Fruit or Veggies

Babies love chewing on cold tasty treats like bananas, apples, carrots, or cucumbers. The combination of cold plus healthy nibbles brings temporary numbness and distraction from teething pain. Place large pieces in a mesh feeder for safety.

  1. Massage Gums with a Finger or Teething Toy

Gentle pressure on the gums can relieve teething pain. Use a clean finger or soft rubber teething toy to massage swollen gums. The stimulation increases blood flow which speeds healing as the tooth emerges through the gum.

  1. Chamomile Tea

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea make it a beloved natural treatment for teething discomfort. Give your teething baby cooled chamomile tea on a spoon or soaked into a washcloth. For extra help, try freezing chamomile tea into small popsicle shapes. The cold plus chamomile’s soothing powers knock out teething pain.

  1. Vanilla Extract

A little bit of vanilla extract rubbed on your baby’s gums can give effective, fast relief from teething pain. The trace amounts of alcohol create a slight numbing sensation in the gums. Vanilla also has a comforting scent and flavor. Just dip a cotton swab into food-grade vanilla and gently rub on sore areas.

  1. Cloves

The pain-reducing compound eugenol found in cloves makes it a popular home remedy. Mix ground cloves with a little coconut oil then rub on swollen gums for temporary pain relief. Don’t let your baby eat cloves due to potential choking risk. And avoid using too much, as the strong flavor isn’t for everyone.

  1. Coconut Oil

Food-grade coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps reduce inflammation that aggravates teething pain. Simply rub extra virgin coconut oil directly onto your baby’s gums and pain receptors for soothing relief. Coconut oil is gentle enough to be used several times a day.

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What Are Some Natural Ways To Soothe A Teething Baby?

In addition to these home remedies, there are a few other natural ways to ease your baby’s teething discomfort including cold teething rings, frozen waffle chunks, gum massagers, amber teething necklaces, and teething biscuits. Providing extra snuggles and tummy time can also comfort a teething baby.

Check out the 10 Best Natural Teething Remedies For Your Baby That Work Perfectly

Old home remedies utilize ingredients found in nature to gently give babies teething relief without side effects. When using any home remedy, remember to supervise your baby for safety and avoid potential allergic reactions.

Related FAQs of Teething Home Remedies for Infants

What Home Things Help With Teething Babies?

A cold metal spoon, chilled damp washcloth, frozen banana or bagel, clean finger for massaging gums, and natural ingredients like vanilla extract or coconut oil can be found around the house to help give teething relief. Always supervise babies and avoid choking hazards. Discontinue use if reactions develop.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Teething?

Yes, food-grade coconut oil provides anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and numbing effects when applied to a teething baby’s gums. The lauric acid reduces swelling and pain receptors fire less with the silky texture. Apply gently with fingers several times a day for soothing relief.

Does Vanilla Extract Help With Teething?

The trace amounts of alcohol in food-grade vanilla extract create a slight numbing sensation that makes vanilla a go-to home remedy for teething pain. Simply dip a cotton swab in vanilla and apply gently on swollen gums for quick relief when needed. Stop use if the baby seems uncomfortable or has an allergic reaction.

How Does Chamomile Help Teething?

The compounds in chamomile reduce inflammation that aggravates teething pain. It also contains antioxidants that speed the healing of the irritated gum tissue. Use cooled chamomile tea directly on gums or soak in washcloths then chill in the fridge to combine cold therapy with chamomile’s soothing superpowers.

Can Give Cinnamon To Teething Babies?

No, cinnamon and babies don’t mix. Cinnamon contains volatile compounds that can cause vomiting, choking risk, and allergic reactions in babies. Small amounts may be okay for older children but should never be given to babies or used as a home remedy for teething pain.


We made it through the sleepless nights that come with our little ones getting those first teeth! I always start with old home remedies for teething to gently soothe irritated gums before turning to medicine.

The wisdom of generations of mothers is available to guide us in safely relieving teething’s swelling and pain. Chilling a spoon, massaging gums with coconut oil, or rubbing a touch of vanilla extract utilizes affordable, natural ingredients often already stocked in our kitchens. Frozen fruit or waffle chunks and cold washcloths provide distraction, numbing relief, and tender snuggles on rough days.

Teething is such a normal phase but difficult for our precious babies – and their mamas! Take comfort that this too shall pass. Whether you have an irritable infant or cranky toddler working on those second teeth, stay patient and try these time-tested natural teething remedies passed down through the ages to give your little one soothing relief during this uncomfortable rite of passage.




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