5 Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working

Is that evening primrose oil you’ve been taking doing anything? I know it can be hard to tell. As moms-to-be, we want to look for any little Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working as a natural remedy.

we’re trying are prepare our bodies for the big day. When I started taking Evening Primrose Oil capsules at about 38 weeks, I’ll admit I was obsessively analyzing every twinge wondering Could this meant Evening Primrose Oil was working.

In this blog post i wanted to share some Signs and symptoms I noticed so you can look out for the signs and find out whether evening primrose oil is doing its job or not. 

Remember, we all progress at different paces, so be patient and listen to your body. Whether you try taking the oil orally or apply it vaginally, keep an eye out for increased discharge, mild cramping, loose stools, and other cues over the next week or so that the oil is helping to soften and thin out your cervix. Have faith in the process! Now let’s talk about Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working.

Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working
5 Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working

How Does Evening Primrose Oil Work?

Evening primrose oil contains fatty acids and plant compounds that act in a similar way to the hormone-like prostaglandins our body naturally produces to ready the cervix for labor. 

Leading up to delivery, increased prostaglandin production softens and thins out (effaces) the cervix and helps it begin to open (dilate). This cervical change allows the cervix to stretch more during labor to eventually let the baby pass through the birth canal.

The oils and substances in supplements made from the evening primrose plant mimic our natural prostaglandins. When taken orally as a capsule or applied directly inside the vagina, these plant-derived prostaglandin-like compounds are absorbed into the cervical tissue.

This causes a gradual ripening effect, essentially tricking the body on a hormonal level into thinking it’s closer to go time. The cervix responds by effacing, thinning out, softening, and becoming more favorable for dilation and stretching.

While not always effective, taking evening primrose oil can pave the way for an easier, shorter labor by slowly coaxing the cervix to prepare in advance to open. It’s thought that this cervical change may also help jumpstart natural labor.

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When To Start Evening Primrose Oil?

Deciding when to begin using evening primrose oil is an important consideration if you want to try it to naturally ripen your cervix. Most practitioners recommend starting evening primrose oil around 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. Beginning right at 37 weeks is also generally considered safe.

Using oil too early on, such as before 36 weeks, could potentially trigger preterm labor. So it’s best to wait until at least 37 weeks to begin unless your healthcare provider gives you other guidance.

Starting the oil around 38 weeks allows enough time for the substances in it to help prime your cervix for delivery, making for an easier labor and birth when the time comes. But because its effects build gradually, beginning at 40 weeks – if a baby hasn’t arrived yet – can still make a difference in preparing your body for labor.

Be patient, as it can take 3-5 days of use to see any changes from the evening primrose supplements, such as increased discharge, diarrhea, mild cramping, or cervical changes. Don’t try to induce labor too soon. Let your provider help decide the best timing for you based on your individual pregnancy and health factors.

How Many Days Does It Take Evening Primrose Oil To Work? 

You may be wondering after starting evening primrose oil how soon you’ll see any results. Unfortunately, you do need to have patience when taking evening primrose oil. 

It can often take 3-5 days of consistent use before you’ll notice any real effects from the evening primrose capsules. Some women do report subtle changes sooner, but full cervical ripening and effacement take time to build up in your system.

This lines up with the way evening primrose oil works to mimic the body’s natural prostaglandins and encourage your cervix to soften, thin out, and dilate in preparation for labor. It’s a gradual process. 

Don’t stop taking the oil after just a day or two because you don’t feel different. Stick with the recommended dosage from your healthcare provider for at least 5 full days before assessing if it’s working for you or not. 

Consistency is key to allowing the compounds in the supplement to build up enough in your tissues and have an effect. So try to take the oil as directed for the specified number of days. If after 5 days you have noticed no changes, talk to your provider about adjusting the type, method, or dosage to improve efficacy.

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5 Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working

1. Increased Discharge

One of the earliest signs that the evening primrose supplements are ripening your cervix is increased vaginal discharge. Seeing more mucousy discharge that is clear, pinkish, or slightly bloody-tinged means the cervix is effacing and thinning out.

2. Cramping or Contractions

As the cervix starts to soften and prepare for dilation, you may begin having mild contractions or period-like cramping. Timetable contractions that come and go could mean early labor is setting in too.

3. Loose Bowels

Since prostaglandins also stimulate the bowels, loose stools or diarrhea can be a sign the evening primrose oil capsules are working. This reaction tends to be more common with oral EPO.

4. Cervical Changes 

Your healthcare provider may notice changes to your cervix upon examination, like slight dilation, increased softness, or effacement. This would indicate the primrose oil has been effectively absorbed.

5. Earlier Labor

While not guaranteed, if using evening primrose oil helps jumpstart labor for you, going into labor sooner could be confirmation that it did its job in getting your body ready for delivery.

Watch for these changes over several days to assess if the evening primrose oil you’re taking is hitting its mark when it comes to prepping your cervix for go time.

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Related Faqs Of Evening Primrose Oil

How Long Does Evening Primrose Take To Work To Induce Labor?

While evening primrose oil might help ready the cervix for labor, there is no guarantee it will induce or kickstart labor itself. It could take up to a week or more before going into labor if the oil helps trigger it. However, labor might not start until later or without additional induction methods.

Can evening primrose oil cause miscarriages pregnancy

There is no research evidence that evening primrose oil use causes miscarriage or pregnancy loss when taken appropriately starting around 38-40 weeks. Talk to your healthcare provider about your complete medical history to assess safety before using.

How long does it take for primrose oil to soften the cervix?  

It typically takes 3-5 days of regular, consistent use to notice cervical changes from evening primrose oil like softening, effacing, or dilation. Don’t expect major ripening right away – allow the gradual effects time to build.

When to start evening primrose oil during pregnancy? 

Most providers recommend evening primrose oil use between 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. Effectiveness is unclear before term at 36-38 weeks. Get guidance on the best timing for your situation

Are there any negative side effects to evening primrose oil?

Some women using EPO experience headaches, nausea, diarrhea or loose stools, mild cramping, or increased bleeding. Following dosage guidelines can help minimize side effects. Extended use beyond 5 days may increase bleeding risks. 

Is it okay to take evening primrose oil every day?

Daily EPO use is typically not advised during pregnancy except from 38-40 weeks onwards based on provider guidance. There is a lack of research evidence to support safety with long-term or everyday oil use while pregnant. Follow your provider’s dosage recommendations.

Conclusion On Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working

If you’re looking for clues that the Evening Primrose Oil you’ve started taking is ripening and thinning out your cervix, be on the lookout for key Signs Evening Primrose Oil Is Working and it is taking effect. Increased vaginal discharge is often one of the first signs the oil’s prostaglandin-like properties are kicking in and effacing your cervix. Mild cramping, loose stools, and cervical changes noticed on exams can also indicate the Evening Primrose Oil is doing its job to prep your body for delivery. 

While starting Evening Primrose Oil from 38-40 weeks onward does not guarantee the onset of labor, tracking these cervical changes and possible early labor signs can at least assure you that absorption of the beneficial oils is happening on some level. Allow 3-5 days for the supplement to build up in your system, be consistent with proper dosage daily in this window, and don’t get discouraged if labor doesn’t start right away. 

Patience and realistic expectations are key when using natural induction methods like Evening Primrose Oil capsules. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions!

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