7 Signs That Accutane Is Working or Not

When I first started taking Accutane, I’ll admit I spent too much time obsessing over every tiny skin change in the mirror. Was that new pink bump the start of a breakout?! But waiting to see signs that Accutane is working or not takes patience, my friend.

This powerful medication kicks acne’s butt from the inside out by calming inflammation and drying up oil production so pimples can’t get a foothold. But it moves slowly and gradually. The great news is, that once Accutane starts taking effect, there are noticeable changes you can watch for.

I’m talking about reduced shininess to your T-zone, then hello smoother skin texture! For most, month 2-3 brings the exciting signs we’re all waiting for – healing of existing zits and no new bumps popping up to take their place. Tracking these positive signs that Accutane is working its magic can help us ride out those first uncertain weeks until we score clear, confident skin again!

Signs That Accutane is Working
Signs That Accutane is Working or Not

What is Accutane?

Accutane is the brand name for the oral medication isotretinoin, approved to treat severe acne that has not responded to other treatments. Due to its cumulative effects on oil production, inflammation, and clogged pores, Accutane can help clear severe, treatment-resistant cystic and nodular acne. It treats not just acne you can see on the surface but its underlying root causes too.

However, Accutane has risks like other retinoids, and the severity of side effects depends on dosage. Strict monitoring by a dermatologist throughout treatment is required. But for many battling tough chronic acne, it can be life-changing, providing lasting acne relief after just one 4-5 month course.

How does Accutane work?

Accutane works to treat severe acne in a few key ways:

First, it significantly decreases the amount of oil (sebum) that your oil glands produce. Since excess oil is one of the main causes of acne, cutting back oil production helps deprive acne bacteria of an environment they can flourish.

Second, Accutane shrinks down the oil glands themselves over time. With smaller oil glands secreting out less sebum, there’s little left to block pores and cause inflammatory breakouts.

In addition, Accutane slows down excessive turnover and shedding of skin cells inside pores. This helps prevent dead skin cell buildup that can clog pores and allow acne lesions to form.

Finally, Accutane has anti-inflammatory properties. By calming redness and swelling associated with inflammatory acne, it can help existing pimples heal faster while also preventing new ones from developing.

So in summary, Accutane fights acne by tackling and preventing its underlying causes – including excess oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation. Together, its cumulative effects go beyond the surface level to treat moderate to severe acne at its roots.

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How Long Does Accutane Take To Work?

It’s normal to be eager to see results when starting Accutane, but this powerful acne medication takes time to work its magic. Here’s a realistic timeframe:

  • Weeks 1-2: Accutane begins regulating oil gland function. However, existing acne may initially flare up before it gets better.
  • Week 3-4: Less oiliness becomes noticeable as Accutane suppresses sebum production. Early breakouts should calm down.
  • Month 2: Reduced oiliness cuts off acne’s life force. Inflammation goes down as pores unclog.
  • Month 3: Breakouts and clogged pores continue improving. Smooth skin texture emerges as new acne formation slows.
  • Month 4: About halfway through a standard course. Existing pimples and cystic bumps will be diminishing. No new major breakouts should arise.
  • Month 5: Treated acne that’s now healed will start fading, revealing clearer skin beneath.

So while some effect is often seen after 1-2 months, the full desired results can take 4 to 6 months as Accutane gradually relieves oiliness, fights infection, soothes inflammation, and normalizes skin cell production.

Tracking monthly progress is helpful. Stay consistent, and Accutane can permanently beat moderate to severe acne!

7 Signs That Accutane Is Working

Here are the top 7 signs that Accutane is working effectively:

  1. Initial Breakout – A surge of acne in the first month is common as Accutane pushes out congested pores. This is a promising sign of change brewing beneath the skin!
  2. Decreasing Oil Production – Notice less oil buildup on your face and hair as Accutane shrinks overactive sebaceous glands.
  3. Healing of Existing Blemishes – Red, inflamed pimples and cystic acne should steadily start improving week by week.
  4. Reduction in New Breakouts – Seeing fewer and smaller zits pop up points to suppression of acne triggers.
  5. Smoother Skin Texture – Pores become less clogged and skin feels tighter, softer, and more even in tone and texture.
  6. Less Facial Redness – Soothing of inflammation across the cheeks, chin, and sensitive areas like around the nostrils.
  7. Fading of Acne Marks – With bacteria beaten back and inflammation calmed, post-acne spots lighten up.

Tracking these 7 signs monthly with photos can confirm your Accutane Is Working and your prescription is delivering the intended results.

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Signs That Accutane Is Not Working

If Accutane seems to not be working effectively, watch out for these warning signs after the first 1-2 months:

  1. Oil production stays high – Skin and hair remain excessively oily, indicating medication dosage may need bumping up.
  2. Persistent whiteheads and blackheads – New clogged pores continuously appear, prevented from healing.
  3. Recurring inflammatory pimples – Lots of red, painful bumps keep popping up and lasting for weeks.
  4. No reduction in breakout frequency – New blemishes consistently arise at the same rapid rate as pre-treatment.
  5. Severe initial breakout won’t calm down – Big painful cysts cluster as smaller acne runs rampant, unchanged from a baseline state.
  6. No change in skin texture – The surface remains uneven, rough, and scarred without smoothing out.
  7. Minimal fading of old acne marks – Dark spots, and post-inflammatory erythema seem fixed in place with no lightening effect.

If one or more of these symptoms characterize your skin after 8-12 weeks on Accutane, schedule an appointment promptly with your dermatologist. Dosage adjustment or supplementing your treatment plan may get you back on track!

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When starting intense acne medication like Accutane, it’s normal to anxiously watch your skin for any little change signaling results. While every person responds differently, there are common effects and signs you can see when the Accutane starts working its magic. 

Decreased oiliness, improvements in texture, calmer inflammation, and less clogged bumps all point to Accutane successfully clearing up moderate to severe acne from below the skin’s surface.

It might feel frustratingly slow but try to have patience through month 2 before evaluating progress. Document the reduction in active breakouts, healing of scars, and longer times between new pimples popping up.

Tracking these promising “signs Accutane is working” in monthly photos can boost motivation on the journey to clear skin! Stay consistent with the treatment regimen, and maintain hope that within 4-6 months acne will meet its match against this powerful medication.

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Related FAQs of Signs That Accutane Is Working

How do you know if Accutane is working?

The most common signs Accutane is working include decreased oiliness, less severe initial breakouts, noticeable improvements in skin texture, fading of acne marks, reduced redness and inflammation, and less frequent new breakouts after month 2-3.

How long does Accutane Take To Work 40 mg?

At higher doses like 40 mg per day, patients often see decreased oil production after 1 month. Significant clearing of acne typically occurs between months 2-4 on 40 mg Accutane.

How long does Accutane Take To Work 20 mg?

On lower doses like 20 mg daily, it takes a full 2-3 months before substantial improvements become visible. Less oily skin should be noticeable after 6 weeks, but reducing breakouts takes longer.

What is the success rate of Accutane?

Accutane has a high success rate, with 85-90% of patients seeing full clearance or significant improvement after completing one 4-6 month course of treatment. About 30% may experience some acne recurrence over time.

is accutane permanent

For many patients, Accutane offers a permanent cure or long-term remission of their acne. However, acne can still recur months or years later in some cases since genetics, hormones, and environment can also play a role in its development. Additional treatment may be needed down the road.

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Please note that this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment options.

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